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D-10629 Berlin-Charlottenburg
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Kalender Drachenfliegen 2024

Drachenkalender 2024: immer noch tolle Werbung für unseren Flugsport

Das Thermik- und Streckenflugbuch

Eine neue Auflage, entstanden aus dem Thermikbuch und dem Streckenflugbuch.

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Ein Fotobuch von Frank Fleischmann über das Reisen und Fliegen


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- mehr Leistung, Sicherheit und Spaß, mit dem richtigen Gurtzeug und der richtigen Einstellung!"

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in nur 5 Schritten zum Produkt, mit graphischer Bestellübersicht.

Thermal Flying

a guide for Paraglider and Hang Glider Pilots.

Produkt-ID: 9783000202339

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Thermal Flying
Thermal Flying
For Paraglider and Hang Glider Pilots by Burkhard Martens.
  • Thermals
  • Thermal generators and triggers
  • Thermal related issues
  • Clouds
  • Clouds and weather
  • Thermal centring techniques
  • Valley winds, the important windsystems
  • Soaring
  • The Temperature gradient
  • Need to know
  • Bruce Goldsmith: Hints and tricks.
  • Chill Out
Thermal Flying back cover
Thermal Flying back cover
by Burkhard Martens.

I wrote this book for all the pilotes out there who feel just like I felt back then. It is about all the things that I, and many of my fellow students, found so intriguing when we first entered this wonderful world of free flying.

If something like the book had been available back then I truly think I could have sold a copy to each and every student in the class. But there are so many little hints and tricks in it that even old thermal hogs should be able to find some nuggets here and there.

  • The „Thermal Flying“ book,
  • 1. edition, July 2007, Hardcover,
  • 260 pages, more than 500 pictures and illustrations.

Preface by Rob Whitall

Robby Whitall
Robby Whitall
Former World Champion in paragliding and hang gliding.

In my humble opinion no matter how much you think you might know about flying you will never know enough… I have now been flying for over twenty years and I have amassed thousands of hours in the air but I am well aware that I am still learning and need to learn in the future.

We often overlook the importance of continuing our flying education and understanding once we reach a level that we feel is acceptable. For your own safety it is important to remain humble and realize that there is more to know about flying and the weather than you will ever be able to absorb. No matter what we must continue to strive becoming better pilots with better understanding.

I was honored that Burki asked me to write a preface for his book. However to do so honestly I had to read it and in doing so I have increased my own understanding of flying and the weather. Within the pages of this book you will find great wisdom no matter what level of pilot you are. This book is full of excellent information from start to finish and it is accompanied by easily understandable diagrams and graphical depictions that help you to visualize many of the descriptions.

Please remember that you and only you are responsible for your own safety each and every time you fly. Use this book and the knowledge contained within to increase your understanding and thus your own safety.

Flying is a very beautiful thing, it can take you to heights that you never thought possible. It can change your life for the better, it can fulfill your soul and mind but it always has to be taken seriously. Educate yourself to continue the enjoyment and serenity safely.

Rob Whittall

Former World Champion in paragliding and hang gliding.