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cloudsuck-wie fliegt man einen Drachenweltrekord
"I have a pair of wings attached to my back.
I can feel them there and if I look up I can see them.
They are my wings.
I feel the air through them and through my body.
They might as well be part of my body.
I'm a hang glider, not a hang glider pilot.
I just fly"
(Davis Straub)
Davis Straub sagt:
I decided to write Cloudsuck because I felt this dramatic story would appeal to a much wider audience than just the hang gliding community. I feel a debt of gratitude to the other pilots who have struggled with me toward the goal of a world record, particularly those who have lost their lives. I want to share the story, communicate the beauty and challenge of hang gliding, and the unique qualities of those who pursue it.
Cloudsuck also appeals to members of the hang gliding community as a story of adventure and struggle in the extreme regions of cross country hang gliding.
amerikanische Ausgabe, bei uns erhältlich
Produkt-ID: 4250687901084 Wir versenden innerhalb von 1-2 Werktagen innerhalb DEU. (siehe Lieferzeiteninfo*) |
21,00 EUR Preis enthält 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten Gewicht: 0,246 kg |
Auf den Merkzettel. |
UL-Schlepp Prüfungsfragen | Ganz einfach FLIEGEN |